
IT capability & high-security

The modern property industry thrives on agile, high-performance IT systems, and these systems must handle multiple software applications seamlessly. More than that, they need robust, high-capacity storage solutions to ensure data integrity and availability at all times. At Envisage IT, we’re deeply attuned to these intricate IT requirements of our real estate firm clientele.

Handling extensive property portfolios and spearheading fresh projects, real estate firms are in constant flux, requiring IT setups that are both flexible and steadfast. That’s where our expertise comes into play. We don’t just offer IT solutions; we extend a partnership that promises capability, security, and round-the-clock support. Whether our clients need us on-site for more complex challenges or to seek swift remote IT assistance, we’re always within reach.

When your property firm needs to evolve — be it expanding infrastructure or integrating IT systems into new project offices — we ensure a seamless transition. Our commitment even extends to serving the technological needs of your tenants, ensuring end-to-end excellence.

Download our Capability Statement for more information.

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Three people working together in the office in front of a laptop

We empower your business with our expert solutions

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, secure data storage isn’t a luxury — it’s a necessity. Our team at Envisage IT is at the forefront of offering top-tier cloud data storage solutions tailored to our property clients. By placing their data in our secure cloud, our clients not only enjoy unhindered access, but also significantly cut down costs tied to maintaining in-house hardware and servers.

The property industry is becoming increasingly agile. With professionals often on the move or working remotely, access to data and systems from diverse locations is paramount. Our solutions are tailored to this modern reality. We ensure that no matter where our clients are — whether in the field, in the office, or sitting in the comfort of their homes — they are constantly plugged in, supported, and empowered to deliver.

Achieving high productivity is no longer just about having the right tools; it’s about uninterrupted connectivity. We’re proud to say that our property clients enjoy this seamless experience, ensuring they remain at the peak of their operational prowess at all times.

If your property business requires reliable, value for money, high-performance IT systems, please book your free Envisage check-up now.

Why choose us?

Specialised expertise in real estate

Our real estate IT services are specifically tailored to meet the unique demands of the property industry. With deep insights into the workings of real estate businesses, agencies, and professionals, we ensure IT solutions that are both practical and innovative.

Comprehensive property IT services

We offer an all-encompassing range of Property IT services, designed to cater to every IT need of real estate agencies. From data management to systems integration, we’re your one-stop solution in the real estate market.

Growth-focused solutions

In a dynamic real estate market, business growth is paramount. We offer scalable solutions that evolve with your real estate agency, ensuring that as your business expands, your IT capabilities grow alongside, fostering seamless operations.

Advanced cloud and remote access

Embrace the flexibility of the modern workspace. Our cloud services ensure secure data storage, while our remote access capabilities mean real estate professionals can stay connected, accessing vital data and systems from anywhere, anytime.

Hassle-free transitions

We understand that transitioning IT services can be time-consuming and challenging. That’s why we prioritise a smooth transition for every individual agency, liaising with your existing partners and ensuring you’re up and running with minimal downtime.

Dedicated support for real estate professionals

Our commitment doesn’t end with implementation. We offer continuous support to ensure real estate professionals can focus on their core responsibilities without IT interruptions, fostering productivity and efficiency.

Frequently asked questions

Envisage offers a comprehensive suite of property IT services tailored to the unique needs of the real estate industry. This includes high-performance IT systems, secure cloud data storage, remote access for mobile property services, and in-person and remote IT support.

Our deep understanding of the real estate market, combined with our IT expertise, ensures that we can offer solutions specifically designed for real estate professionals. From managing large property portfolios to ensuring high-capacity data storage, we’re attuned to the industry’s demands.

We prioritise enabling our clients to stay connected. Our systems ensure that real estate professionals have remote access to their data and services, irrespective of their location. Furthermore, we provide ongoing support to ensure continuous connectivity, which especially crucial in today’s mobile real estate industry.

Absolutely. We recognise that each individual agency has its own growth trajectory and unique needs. Our IT solutions are scalable and adaptable, ensuring that as your business grows, your IT infrastructure evolves alongside.

We strive to make the onboarding process as efficient as possible. The exact time can vary based on the specific needs and existing systems of your real estate agency. However, with our commitment to a smooth transition and our expertise in the real estate industry, we ensure a timely and hassle-free experience.

Didn’t find the answer you were looking for? Get in touch with our friendly team.

We make switching Easy!

Changing IT companies or systems can be a hassle. We’ll support you through the process, liaising with your existing IT partner and helping you source everything we need to hit the ground running. 

We will call you back within 4 business hours.
A handsome man smiling and holding a laptop