Managed Data & Analytics Services

Comprehensive IT support

For more than 21 years, we have provided extensive IT support to ensure systems and processes in medical practices remain healthy. We understand what it takes to run a successful medical practice and ensure that you are providing exceptional patient care, achieving clinical outcomes, and collaborating with a network of other services to deliver on this.

The biggest decision for any medical professional when they go into private practice is the choice of practice management tool they will use.

This will hold all your clinical notes, effectively collate information provided by referring GPs, Pathology results, and Radiology pictures.

Envisage Technology offices
A professional tech support agent on a call wearing a headset

Medical sector application

The applications in the medical sector need to be even more and secure and reliable than other areas of the economy. They hold very personal information about individuals that is valuable to cyber criminals, and the loss of access to the information can impact the quality of care an individual receives when experiencing a medical need.

This need has resulted in extended development cycles for the application vendors, leaving the medical sector only beginning to get access to Cloud applications now. The choice for medical practices is whether to invest in On-Premise hardware to host the applications or to partner with a cloud hosting provider.

Support practices

Envisage has the ability to support practices that take either road, however we have built our reputation in this sector on being one of the first to create a cloud environment capable of reliably giving medical professionals access to the mobility, scalability, and reliability that other businesses were already enjoying, and then packaging it up into a simple monthly cost per user under our SecureMed product. We have experience in setting up environments for all the major, and some of the not so major practice management tools; Genie Solutions, Best Practice, Shexie, Totalcare, Exact, VIP.Net, STATHealth.

Even if your practice decides to go with a cloud application like Clinic to Cloud or Gentu then Envisage is ready to ensure that your connectivity, network, phones, and hardware are setup correctly and your team are supported throughout their day.

A happy smiling call centre worker wearing a headset
The Envisage Technology team at work in the office

In working closely with the medical sector, we have built our support solutions around the unique needs of these critical members of the community. We know that doctors are booked up for most of their day and can’t build models of leveraged labour like an accounting or legal firm, they need to be seeing patients to be in business. This means that they are dealing with their administration and needing support in either 15 minutes between patients or in extended hours beyond the normal workday. 

Contact us today to receive an audit and consultation concerning your medical IT environment. We will examine whether your systems and applications are reliable, secure, and properly aligned your practice.

We make switching Easy!

Changing IT companies or systems can be a hassle. We’ll support you through the process, liaising with your existing IT partner and helping you source everything we need to hit the ground running. 

We will call you back within 4 business hours.
A handsome man smiling and holding a laptop