Cloud Computing

Cloud-based solutions

Our team have extensive experience in delivering cloud-based solutions for clients across a number of sectors, from medical, professional services to education

As a certified Microsoft Cloud Integrator and one of the first Telstra dealers to register for hosted services, our expertise ensures your move to the Cloud will be smooth and stress-free.

To ensure a smooth integration to the Cloud we partner with you to ensure we understand the unique and personal needs of your business and your team. We then work with you to find the best solution that works best with your business. Cloud services include:

  • Hosted email
  • Data centre hosting
  • Location hosting
  • Office 365 specialists
  • Hosted Office applications
server room 3d illustration with node base programming data
Cloud computing illustration on a desk with a laptop and tablet

Advantages of Cloud Computing

We host your applications, so you don’t have to.

There are several benefits for moving to the Cloud, offering an innovative way to move your business forward into the future. Advantages include:

  • Peace of mind knowing your data is being managed in a secure data centre
  • Built in security 
  • Only pay for the systems that you are using
  • Predictable and lower cost to run
  • Increased up-time with greater reliability and stability
  • Reduced time spent on maintenance

Getting it right from the start

With so many different Cloud applications available, it’s easy to get lost in the mix. We focus on providing a customised solution that will work for you and your business.

Our approach to setting up Cloud Application and Hosting is firstly to get to know you and understand your business. Only then can we start to investigate your current IT network and explore your best options for hosting. At the end of the day, it is about finding a solution that will take some of the onus off your existing network, providing a much more reliable and secure service. That’s why we approach Cloud Application and Hosting with a strategic plan, personalised to your business.

Our strategy will ensure each application will improve your business in the long run, helping to make workflow more productive and, ultimately, increasing your profit. 

A happy businessman wearing a headset and glasses sitting at a desk with a laptop

We make switching Easy!

Changing IT companies or systems can be a hassle. We’ll support you through the process, liaising with your existing IT partner and helping you source everything we need to hit the ground running. 

We will call you back within 4 business hours.
A handsome man smiling and holding a laptop