
How to avoid the most common cause of project failure

When it comes to project failure, IT projects have a bad reputation. From running over budget, weeks, months, or even years past deadline, to failing to deliver promised functionality, apparently simple system upgrades can cause havoc in your business if…

Troubleshooting home internet or network issues

While more people are working from home, often the IT support contract for their employer does not extend to troubleshooting the internet connection at employees’ homes. This exclusion makes sense when you think of the variety of different internet connections…

A visual guide to identifying monitor ports and cables

By Andrew Carmock, Senior Support Technician at Envisage Technology Today’s computer monitors come with a variety of port options, all of which have different functions. To make sense of all things port and cable-related, we have put together a visual guide to…

How to avoid the latest Windows 10 Update causing Blue Screen issues

The latest Windows 10 update has created an issue where users are seeing the Windows Blue Screen when trying to print. The issue appears to occur with a variety of applications and a variety of printers. There is currently no…