
Troubleshooting home internet or network issues

While more people are working from home, often the IT support contract for their employer does not extend to troubleshooting the internet connection at employees’ homes. This exclusion makes sense when you think of the variety of different internet connections…

A visual guide to identifying monitor ports and cables

By Andrew Carmock, Senior Support Technician at Envisage Technology Today’s computer monitors come with a variety of port options, all of which have different functions. To make sense of all things port and cable-related, we have put together a visual guide to…

Why computer naming conventions are important

By Aaron Van Moorsel, Envisage Technology When you buy a new PC for your home, it probably arrives with a device name in the background like: L178HY6783. You will probably never need this device name, and therefore it has little…

Four reasons why your business should consider Microsoft 365

Marco Tarumingi, Senior Systems Administrator with Envisage Technology Weighing up the pros and cons of using a cloud-based productivity service such as Microsoft 365? At Envisage Technology, we have spent a great deal of time looking at what systems are available,…

A handy guide to managing large volumes of emails in outlook

By Daniel Nunns, Service Delivery Manager at Envisage Technologies Many people use an Outlook email system in both their private and business lives, but it is amazing how many are not aware of the built-in processes that optimise the management…

Asset lifecycle management is critical for uptime and employee productivity

By Daniel Nunns, Service Delivery Manager at Envisage Technology Old, outdated computers can cost businesses thousands of dollars a year in lost productivity and increasing cost of replacement. In fact, a Microsoft study in 2018 found old computers were costing…

Poor email security can leave you vulnerable to cyber attacks

Key takeaways Emails are the most versatile of all online business tools we can access from our computers, through the web and on our mobile devices. But that also makes it one of the most at-risk tools and highly susceptible…

Key considerations for medical practice succession

6 min. read. Medical practice succession, passing your practice onto family members, selling your practice to employees, selling your practice to a third party, finance, technology updates. Key takeaways The process of medical practice succession is not something you should consider days or…